วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Internet Marketing For Your Local business

If you have a service post it on Craigslist. If your a Tucson plumber, make sure to use your best keywords in the title of your listing, for example: "Tucson Plumber providing all plumbing services". This will help you rank your listing higher on Yahoo and Google for the keywords that receive the most searches. When you type in "Tucson Computer Services" on Yahoo or Google you'll observation a Craigslist listing shown above the fold on each. Although this works well for some, it may not work well for local businesses in more contentious markets.

Another way you can help gain exposure is by writing an report submission website such as the one your currently reading. By writing an article, you can express your knowledge in the field you are working. By providing some great tips on the services you provide, this is a great way to gain the trust keep of your readers. Writing articles is a great way to express your expertise on the subject.


Social media has helped local businesses gain exposure as well. Twitter allows you to provide small amounts of facts at a time for other twitter users to read. It works good for providing a daily tip on what ever service you specialize in. Once you have a good number of tips relating to your goods or service, you can then go out searching for other twitter users in your local city. If you "follow" them there is a good opening they'll follow you back. Once this happens, any time you write a tip they will see it the next time they open their profile page.

Internet Marketing For Your Local business

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