วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Why Your Water May Be Drying Out Your Hair change principles and How to prevent It

Many women who wear bonded hair exchange systems sense annoying dried out hair in their hair systems at one point or another. There are any factors that lead to dry, crunchy hair--things like harmful alcohols in hair products, heat styling and blow drying. But there is one factor that is commonly overlooked--the ability of your water.

As women who wear hair exchange systems, we take extra precautions to safe our hair from swimming pool water because it is familiar that chlorine dries out our hair (and skin). However, it also causes "oxidation" which makes our hair lighten or turn colors. Most of us have experienced this first-hand. Well, did you know that most of the treated water that is flowing into your home has more chlorine in it than a swimming pool? Chlorine may be great for killing bacteria, but it wreaks havoc on our biological hair and our hair exchange systems.


The donor hair in hair exchange systems is not plainly moisturized by scalp oils, so it's easier for the hair to dry out. Because of this, we make a concerted effort to keep our hair systems conditioned with leave-in and rinse out conditioners, and hair serums.

Think about how plainly dehydrating salt is. Chlorine acts similarly by sucking all of the moisture out of your hair (and the color along with it), creating tangling, frizzing and breakage. So, even if you're faithfully conditioning your hair and avoiding heat styling and harmful alcohols, the chlorinated water in your home may be undoing all of your hard work.

Knowing the water in your home likely contains more than (or at least as much) chlorine as a swimming pool, it's positively prominent that you take precautions to filter out harmful chlorine before it gets into your hair and skin.

An easy and reasonable way to sacrifice or take off the chlorine in your shower is to purchase a water filter designed specifically for that purpose. Look for a shower filter that uses a two-stage filtration law designed to take off chlorine and synthetic chemicals like pesticides, solvents and medications, while helping to equilibrium the pH.

Most shower filters can be positively installed in just a few minutes and require no plumbing experience. Shower filters are a quick, easy and affordable way to help safe your hair exchange law and your skin at the same time. A filter could make the distinction between having dry, tangled hair or soft, plane and manageable hair. It's worth a try.

Why Your Water May Be Drying Out Your Hair change principles and How to prevent It

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