วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

But, But, But - Three Top Objections to Home Staging, Overcome

Whether it's your home for sale or your client's home for sale, not every distributor is convinced right off the bat that staging the home is considerable to get it sold.

So if you find yourself or your client request the following questions or stating these objections, determined think these answers before you make that final decision not to stage.


But, my home is in a great location/area/neighborhood and I've priced it right. I don't need to stage.

Yes, location is one of the most leading factors in setting your home's value. And pricing it right is also important. But the right price is only one of the three legs of a three-legged stool when it comes to doing the right thing to sell a home successfully. The second leg is good exterior marketing, and that's what a good real estate agent brings to the table. The third leg is inside marketing, or staging - improving the home to make it more desirable. Take off one leg, and the stool collapses.

But, if it doesn't sell in 3 months, then I'll think staging it Or Let's see if person makes an offer after this weekend's open house.

If a home distributor waits to stage if it doesn't sell, it then becomes a stale listing. The owner will be offered less than the listing price because potential buyers know it's been on the shop for a while. Also, the owner and agent end up missing out on any concerned buyers who first saw the house and decided it wasn't for them for one imagine or another. Why not capture them right away because the home looks its best?

But, why bother with manufacture the home look great when the new owners will convert it anyway?

While a total kitchen and/or bathroom remodel may be unnecessary prior to selling, the reasons you want to at least do some updates like painting, new carpeting, floor refinishing and changing out lighting/plumbing fixtures is to 1) first, eliminate the turn-off that buyers will have once they step into the space, and 2) to heighten the space sufficient so that buyers feel they can move in and wait awhile prior to doing their own updates. And things as straightforward as repairs need to be done so that buyers don't make a reasoning checklist and offer a lower selling price.

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But, But, But - Three Top Objections to Home Staging, Overcome

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