วันศุกร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Here Comes Mr Reality to End the "Unrealistic Party"

In life we all have rational goals that can be achieved, and we have "pipe dreams". Without hard work and self honesty, pipe dreams can never become rational goals. In life, "pipe dreams" only become rational goals when we are completely honest with ourselves. This narrative will plumb those depths or begin to help you plumb those depths as I do every day. For, indeed, a goal is only valid when patiently researched, understood and worked with to be rationally achieved on a great foundation. Sure, I can say the usual, "it stands to reason". But I am going to say without quotes that we have to crawl to investigate and then stand to infer and walk with reality, then rationally run with it. Although that statement explains itself, I will still "spell out" what I mean by all of this.

Reality is what we all live in, and no matter what the goals, we have to accomplish them by the objective rules of reality. Let us say that we are trying to accomplish flight through the laws of aerodynamics totally following them, with a plane and all or even a jet pack that works, and we are the first people doing it. With that part of the explanation, I am explaining this: nature to be commanded, must be obeyed. The impossible is only possible when done through the strict measures and right work. That is my point.


When I say things in all of my articles, like, there are no shortcuts. This is what I mean. Like a consistently perfectly balanced meter, reality always works, regardless of unrealistic actions or realistic actions. All actions have consequences, good or bad, in reality. Indeed, I do not propose disobeying reality, no matter how "cool" or fun it seems to "beat the system". Like jumping off the thirtieth floor and landing alright with no means of floating down or flying which I am certainly not advising by the way, but this is a warning, reality works so objectively meter like, that it cannot be beaten in any way.

The "impossible" is possible, but only under totally rational terms, I have proven that already through what I have said so far. But, I can now say this, even the "unexplained" has a legitimately logical explanation behind it, although hidden. Even "the headless horseman" has a force behind it, spirited it in some way, some reasoning mind even if it is a gigantic objectivity like the universe and existence are is retention things going and flowing smoothly. When I look at the stars and the sky at night, I think about that sometimes, and do little Einstein style plan experiments on any "messy patterns" or the "impossibility" of some "interesting phenomena" and get the same result. The only thing controlling all is the objective meter like reality of time, honesty and patience, which is a variance of the total patience, understanding and tolerance technique of living life I put forth in someone else of my articles. It reads a little "crazy" until you legitimately think about what I am saying as a whole.

Reality works no matter what, and for it to work for us, we all have to work it to our advantage. Every invention, every modality is built through our working with reality to our advantage. "Unrealistic parties", kingdoms, wars, caucuses and "political honeymoons" never last, but realistic, honest, working, value producing and value creating achievements always do. Did you observation that? everyone remembers Louis Pasteur of France, and his revolutionary bacterial destruction medicine which is a real achievement. But who remembers Louis the Sun King or Louis the Fourteenth of France? Maybe a historian or a trivia book or two, but nothing else really. But who has not heard of pasteurized milk, food or orange juice all nearby the world? roughly everyone has. Well, that is my point, reality is more leading than any "unrealistic party" of any sort, no matter how "fun" for those having it and it is invariably leading without any stoppage of any sort. Reality, not so much Dna is the construction block of life and must be acknowledged consciously as such to work. For reality is the brick construction that stands, unreality is the "party all the time" ornamental straw hut that decays and falls a few hours after it is built for cocktails and "fun." Reality is what is, and it does work all the time, no matter what. We must live by reality or pay the consequences. I did not make all this up, I am just describing it to you through my experience. That is all.

Here Comes Mr Reality to End the "Unrealistic Party"

Visit : The Fasteners

